Electronic – Op-amp differential amplifier circuit for inputs greater than positive rail


I'm trying to get the difference of two DC signals using an op-amp difference amplifier circuit. The gain will be 1. The difference will be around 1-5v. The inputs could be as high as 50v though.


1. Vin+ = 50v, Vin- = 48v, Vout = 2v
2. Vin+ = 2v,  Vin- = 0v,  Vout = 2v

The problem is this would need the op-amp's inputs to be capable of going up to 25v. Is there a way round this? I have absolutely no idea how to solve this!

Edit: Using two potential dividers before the op-amp circuit that reduce the signals by 90%, followed by the difference amplifier with a gain of 10 would work but this would degrade the accuracy of the result by a factor of 10? Edit 2: And those dividers would have to be very stiff compared to those in the differential circuit


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Make the two input resistors significantly bigger (say 10xR) - the gain will now be lower but you can added an extra amplifier onto Vout to restore the gain you need. Be aware of common mode problems with this type of circuit - you'll probably need to use 0.1% (or better) resistors to get an accurate representation of your 1-5V signal.