Electronic – Op amp Voltage offset problem


op amp
(source: ecetutorials.com)

This is not an assignment.

  1. Calc Maximum output offset voltage caused by the input offset voltage Vios

  2. Calc Maximum output offset voltage caused by the input bias current Ib. For an inverting amplifier with R1 = 100 k and Rf = 10k . Here 741 Op amp is used with Vios = 6 mv and Ib = 500 nA.

In this question Vin is given in inverting end only.

In the book Roy Chaudary Linear Integrated Circuit. It is given that No matter where the input is given the resulting formula for the V0 will be V0 = (1+ Rf/R1) * Vos.

Roy Chaudary Go to page 122

However, in the solution set of this question it is given that V0s = – (Rf/R1) * Vios. What am I supposed to do which one is correct? What am I not considering

Best Answer

The solution set is in error.

To see this, simply insert a series voltage source in either input of the op-amp and determine the resulting output voltage- the magnitude will be as Chaudary says.

The sign of the result is somewhat arbitrary but normally a positive offset is assumed to be driving the amplifier positive at the output, so I would say the sign of the solution set answer is also incorrect.