Electronic – Permeability Discrepancy of an Inductor



I bought a material 77 ferrite rod for a homemade inductor. The core was 0.5" in diameter and 7.5" long with a claimed initial permeability of 2000.

When I recieved it, I tested it out using 18 AWG wire that I wrapped around the ferrite core for the entire length. Granted, the windings were not perfect and had some gaps between parts of the wire and the ferrite core (probably 1 cm max),

Upon testing the inductor with my LCR meter, I measured a mere 0.04 mH.


How come my inductor isn't exhibiting a relative permeability of 2000?

Here are a few pictures of my set up:

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You can find some calculators to allow you to approximate the inductance of coil wrapped on an open rod. If I plug your numbers into this one, I find 15 turns should be sufficient to yield 40uH with your stated dimensions (it won't let me spread the turns out as much as yours).

enter image description here

There is a link in the calculator to the equations they've implemented and I suggest you study the equations rather than trusting this (or any other) online calculator.

The inductance is much less than it would be with a closed magnetic path because the permeability of air is 1/2000 that of your rod.

A rather thorough treatment of how the effective Al varies with parameters can be had in this document.

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