Electronic – Polynomial division LFSR


Here is the schematic for LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register) polynomial division by \$w(x) = n_3x^3 + n_2x^2 + n_1x + n_0\$

enter image description here

\$\oplus\$ denotes adder without carry logic, (nx) denotes multiplicator by \$n_x\$ coefficient and boxes are flip-flops.

The drawback of this solution is that polynomial \$w(x)\$ has to be of constant degree, otherwise the circuit won't work.

Are there are any solutions to build LFSR division unit which is able to divide by polynomial of non-constant-degree (there is specified maximally allowed degree)? Or maybe some not-LFSR units?

Best Answer

I think what you want is to have a multiplexer between the IN bit and the LFSR which will route the input bit around unneeded LFSR stages. This would require lines to not only deactivate unused stages but to reroute the output bit from one stage to another. It's possible but is going to be fairly hardware expensive. What is the purpose of having a variable-degree LFSR in hardware?