Electronic – Power planes splits effect on differential pairs routing


I'm routing a differential pair (rs485), and I'm wondering if I should avoid routing it above a power plane split. I read about the undesired effects that a ground plane split can have over those signals, but I'm unsure if this also applies on a power plane.
enter image description here

Best Answer

It applies to any plane underneath the signal.

If you don't want or can't tolerate those effects, have your signal route over a continuous reference plane. If you absolutely have to cross the gap, and there is no way around it, you can use stitching capacitors to cross planes.

enter image description here

I would place two caps on either side of the signal, as close as possible to the signal trace.

Stitching capacitors make the best of a bad situation (like getting stabbed, and having a doctor nearby). But the best, is not to cross the gap (don't get stabbed).