Electronic – Prototyping a MC68020


What techniques are there to "prototype" a component like a MC68020 processor? Since the pins are in a 13×13 geometry standard bread boards will not do. Are there something like bread boards for this type of application? Should I go with wire wrapping the MC and connect it to a components on breadboards using wires and band cables?

New to this, I have quite some experience in OS development as well as low level programming and compiler design. Not as much in hardware design. I thought I sink my teeth into a fully fledged nerd project with an old MC68020 from eBay and make it a really long-time project, taking my time.

Best Answer

The device looks like this: -

enter image description here

With pins on a 0.1" pitch so just get hold of some female headers that can be stacked and solder wires to the female pin headers.

Be aware that you will get some unusual results due to weakened power supply decoupling and lack of ground plane that can only be solved with a proper PCB tailored for the MC68020 processor.