Electronic – Quartus 2 VHDL Clock Frequency Divider: can’t determine definition of operator “+”


I'm extremely new to VHDL and trying to make some easy projects such that I learn the basics and syntax. I use Quartus 2 at home and ISE 10.1 at the school computer. I wrote exactly the same code in both of them where the code is:

        library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use ieee.numeric_std.all;
    use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

    entity freq_divider is port(        

        clk: in std_logic;
        clkdividedby2,clkdividedby4,clkdividedby8: out std_logic

    end freq_divider;

    architecture karakter of freq_divider is

    signal count4 : std_logic := '0'; --In this line, count4 is initialized as 0.
    signal count8 : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) := "00"; -- Count 8 is initialized as 0.
    signal clkdividedby2_temp,clkdividedby4_temp,clkdividedby8_temp : std_logic :='0';



    if(rising_edge(clk)) then

    clkdividedby2_temp<= not clkdividedby2_temp;
    count4 <= count4 + '1';
    count8 <= count8 + "01";

    if(count4 = '1') then -- = Tests for equality, not ==
    clkdividedby4_temp<= not clkdividedby4_temp;
    end if;

    if(count8 = "11") then
    clkdividedby8_temp<= not clkdividedby8_temp;
    end if;

    end if;
    end process;


    end karakter;

This synthesized perfectly on ISE 10.1 in school, but in Quartus 2, I get the error:

Can't determine definition of operator ""+"" — found 0 possible definitions

I have no idea why this is happening. I wrote all the libraries and stuff, and it is still not working.

Best Answer

You are trying to perform addition on std_logic and std_logic_vector -- that makes no sense in VHDL, because these types do not hold numerical values.

If you want addition to work, you need to use either

  • a type that has well-defined overflow semantics, so it is clear what should happen if two '1' values meet in an addition, or
  • a type that is a pure numerical value and does not have a representation attached.

For a counter that is only compared against a fixed value, but never read, I'd go with the latter, change the type to natural and give it a range constraint, and leave it up to the compiler to select an internal representation.

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