Electronic – Question about Thevenin theorem

circuit analysisthevenin

So I am currently working on thevenin theorem and I come across this question.
enter image description here

So in the question there is a circuit consist of two batteries with same voltage but different internal resistance, a variable resistance R and a 10 ohm resister R0. And we have to find the value of resistance of R to adjust the voltage across R0 to specified values.

Sorry, but I am still trying to understand the theorem so I have little clues on solving this question. If I have to state one difficulty I noticed then I guess It would be finding the value of currents flowing through the internal resistance of the two batteries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

This doesn't need anything other than joining the identical sources together and treating the combination as one single 24 volt source feeding via 0.8||0.9.

@Andyaka I understand your point but the question stated that thevenin theorem has to be applied in this question. So how should I apply the theorem to show my understanding of it?

  • Turn the left-hand 24 volt source and its respective series resistor (0.8 ohms) into a current source in parallel with its equivalent resistance.
  • Do the same for the right-hand 24 volt source and its respective series resistor (0.9 ohms) into a current source in parallel with its equivalent resistance.
  • Combine the current sources into one current source
  • Combine the 0.9 ohm and 0.8 ohm into one resistor then...
  • reverse the process and determine the combined equivalent voltage source and the combined series resistance and then solve standard voltage divider equations to ascertain the voltage across \$R_0\$ based on what value \$R\$ is.

Can you take it from here?