Electronic – Reading 2N2222 BJT datasheet

raspberry pitransistors

I know this question was asked before, But couldn't understand properly the datasheet reading.

I would like to control water pump via RPI.

Wanted to make sure Im reading the datasheet correctly + Im connecting everything properly.

enter image description here

So if I understand correctly, on the worst case, the water pump will need 6v. so the calculations will be according to Ipump(max)

Ipump(max) = 1.8w/6v = 300mA
Ipump(min) = 0.6w/4v = 150mA

According to 2N2222 data sheet, figure 11:

enter image description here

When Ic=300mA, Vbe(sat)=0.9v and hfe=10.


Ib = Ic/hfe -> 300m/10 = 30mA
R1 = (Vrpi - Vbe)/Ib -> (3.3-0.9)/30m = 80ohm

In order to make sure the water pump will get the current it needs, we will limit Ic to higher value:

Ib=(3.3-0.9)/50= 48mA
Ic=Ib*hfe= 48m*10 = 480mA

So R1=50ohm

Wanted to ask :

1. Do I read the `hfe` correctly? is it the right value to make sure the saturation?
2. There is a need to connect a diode in parallel to the water pump? resistor in series to the water pump?

Thanks for the guidance.

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