Electronic – Reverse Shift Register


I'm super new to electronics and am wondering if there is anything that behaves like the reverse of a shift register… as in parallel in and serial out instead of serial in and parallel out. I know there are multiplexers, but they don't seem to operate in the same way as a shift register (with latch and clock signals), thanks.

Best Answer

A parallel-in, serial-out shift register (PISO) can read several parallel inputs (usually 8) and serially output the data. Much like a SIPO shift register, a PISO has an internal storage register that always contains the states of the parallel inputs. When the "load" pin is pulsed, the contents of the storage register are transferred into the internal shift register. Then when the "clock" pin is pulsed, the data bits in the shift register are shifted one bit over toward the serial output. PISO shift registers can also be cascaded by connecting the serial input of one register to the previous register's serial output.