Electronic – ROM Output order


I have a question about this circuit:

enter image description here

Suppose that the input is 0000. Then ROM A is Enabled, and the output will be 0111. But what will be the order of the output? Will 0 be on D0, 1 on D1, 1 on D2, 1 on D3 or 1 be in D0, 1 in D1, 1 in D2, 0 in D3?

I mean where is the MSB in the output going?

Best Answer

That depends on the rom used, it should be written in the datasheet. I'd say that \$D_0\$ is the LSB and \$D_3\$ is the MSB, but that's just a guess based on the fact that \$D_0\$ represents \$2^0\$, \$D_1\$ represents \$2^1\$ and so on.