Electronic – Series and Parallel together for 3 Solar Panels

parallelsolar cell

I don't know who to ask about this. I know it works, but don't know if it's a good idea or a safe idea.

I have 3 solar panels, 240W each.

I have a need for 720W max and 60V.

I thought. hmmmmm, put 2 panels in parallel, and then put that "parallel group of 2 panels" in series with the 3rd panel.

This gives me my required voltage, and watts but is this a really bad idea or is it perfectly safe.

All panels are the same type, model manufacturer etc.

Best Answer

You will be current-limited by the 3rd panel (that doesn't have a series twin). Your maximum output would be 2x 240W, the same as two series panels.

I'd recommend buying a 4th panel to run 2 series - 2 parallel or finding a way to run the 3 panels in series while still meeting the needs of your load.