Electronic – Setting Pin Assignments For Quartus


So I have written a simple Verilog module which works well in the ModelSim emulator. I would like to now program my Cyclone 10 Dev board to perform this simple task, but I need to set up the pin assignments on my qsf file.

That being said, I don't know where to find the correct pins and how I would assign them to the inputs and outputs of my module. The model I am using is a 10CL025YU256I7G

Best Answer

I believe you're using the Intel® Cyclone® 10 LP FPGA Evaluation Kit.

Here's the user guide: https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/programmable/us/en/pdfs/literature/ug/ug-c10-lp-eval-kit.pdf

In that document it lists the the user i/o LEDs, push-buttons, switches, and others which you may want to use:

enter image description here enter image description here

From the schematic you can see the names of the pins those are attached to those i/o in black.

enter image description here


You can then assign them to your module's nets with settings such the following in your QSF:

set_location_assignment PIN_M16 -to your_hdl_signal

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