Electronic – “sick” Label in Inductor Datasheet


I was looking through the following datasheet for a Sumida inductor:


I am creating a library component for a part in this series and when working on the land pattern I noticed a label titled "sick" in the datasheet, pointing to an area between the two pads:

enter image description here

I have never seen this before. Is it some obscure term to reference a part of a land pattern? Might it be an abbreviation for something? Or perhaps is it just a word used internally at Sumida? I'm suspecting the third option but am very curious to know if anyone has seen this reference before and can help to define it in this context.

Best Answer

It really looks like they misspelled it. If you compare it to a similar datasheet you see they name it silk screen! And in another datasheet they call it solder resist. So they are not very consistent in the datasheets.

Due to this and common practice and the IPC norm we can conclude that it needs to be solder mask!