Electronic – Simple resistors, inductors first order circuit


Asuuming the following circuit has been turned on for a long time:
enter image description here

I need to find the current Il=current that goes through the inductor.
I know that the indoctor acts as a short circuit, but i still can't figure how to calculate the current.
I was thinking that all the current goes through the inductor, but that still doesn't make sense and doesn't help me solve.
Any tips/help would be really appreciated.

Best Answer

So the 3, 6 and 12 ohms resistors are in parallel (asuming the inductor is 0 ohms) - this means \${12 \over 7} ohms\$. Add the 4 ohms resistor and you got \$ {12 \over 7} + 4 = {40 \over 7} ohms\$. The current through this is \$60 \cdot {7 \over 40} = 10.5 A\$. Using this we calculate the voltage across the three resistors in parallel:

\$ {12 \over 7} \cdot 10.5 = 18 V\$. Then divide this by the 3 ohms resistor: \${18 V \over 3 ohms} = 6 A\$.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab