Electronic – Stability of Feedback Amplifiers


I'm kind of confused above the stability of feedback amplifiers.
Here's what I know

enter image description here

  • \$A_f=\frac{A}{I+A\cdot\beta}\$
  • \$T(j\omega)=A(j\omega)\beta(j\omega)\$
  • \$A_f(j\omega)=\frac{A(j\omega)}{I+T(j\omega)}\$

In the notes, it says that
enter image description here
If \$|T(j\omega)| < 1\$, then \$|A_f(j\omega)| > |A(j\omega)|\$

I don't understand how that's true. I tried deriving it but didn't get anywhere

enter image description here
\$|A_f(j\omega)| = |A(j\omega)| – |I+T(j\omega)|\$

Best Answer

It seems that there is a logarithm sign missing. To see this, note that

$$ |A_f(j\omega)|=\left|\frac{A(j\omega)}{1+A\beta(j\omega)}\right|=\frac{|A(j\omega)|}{|1+A\beta(j\omega)|}=\frac{|A(j\omega)|}{|1+T(j\omega)|} \tag{1}\label{1} $$ and taking the logarithm from each member of \eqref{1} you have $$ \log |A_f(j\omega)| = \log|A(j\omega)|-\log |1+T(j\omega)|,\tag{2}\label{2} $$ which, in my opinion is the exact form of the equation with the question mark in your notes (and is the place were the logarithm sign is missing). Now, if $$ |1+T(j\omega)|<1,\tag{3}\label{3}$$ (and not if \$|T(j\omega)|<1\$, this is the place where a \$1\$ is missing) \$\log|1+T(j\omega)|<0\$ and then \eqref{2} implies

$$ \log |A_f(j\omega)| > \log|A(j\omega)|\iff |A_f(j\omega)| > |A(j\omega)| $$ Now, from the point of view of the stability theory of linear systems, condition \eqref{3} means that, for a given frequency \$f\$ of the input signal \$x_i\$, the real part \$\Re[T(j\omega)]\$ of the feedback transfer function changes its sign, becoming negative. Thus, if \eqref{3} is verified, every change leading to an increase of the output signal \$x_o\$ (due not only to the increase of \$x_i\$, but also to parameter variation/drifts in \$A\$ and \$\beta\$) tends to be amplified instead of being attenuated, and this leads to the instability of the system.