Electronic – Stepper motor and L293dne getting hot

stepper motor

I purchased some steppers motors with relatively little known about the specs. I'm hoping to drive them with a L293DNE wired up like this. I've got it working and it all seems to be going well – except the L293DNE is getting quite hot. It would burn my finger quite quickly if I left it running long.

I understand they can run quite hot, but I'd rather not have it that hot if I can reduce it. I require minimal torque for my application, so I was hoping to be able to run it off a 5v 700ma wall wart.

I'm pretty new to all this, but I thought increasing the resistance would lower the current and solve my problem, but it didn't didn't seem to help (or very possibly I did it wrong).

What should I do to reduce the heat?

Best Answer

Use L298s with heat sinks. They can handle a lot more current and are intended for use with heat sinks, unlike the DIL L293D.