Electronic – Synthesis Result : RTL vs Technology Map Viewer


I am evaluating this code below.
But I saw that the logic output of the RTL and Technology Map Viewer are different.
I use Quartus Prime Elite Edition.
Am I missing something?

this is the truth table

                      RTL                          Technology Map
A    (NOT A)   p_a    ((A XOR p_a) AND A)          ((NOT A) AND p_a)
0      1        0           0                            0        
0      1        1           0                            1                
1      0        0           1                            0                  
1      0        1           0                            0      

enter image description here

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity keypad is
port (
    clk             : in std_logic;
    rst             : in std_logic;
    a               : in std_logic;
    b               : in std_logic;
    c               : in std_logic;
    d               : in std_logic;
    e               : in std_logic;
    keypad      : out std_logic_vector (4 downto 0)
end entity keypad;

architecture rtl of keypad is

signal p_a, p_b, p_c, p_d, p_e  : std_logic;


KEY:    process(A, B, C, D, E, rst, clk)
        if      rst = '1' then
            p_a <= '0';
            p_b <= '0';
            p_c <= '0';
            p_d <= '0';
            p_e <= '0';
        elsif clk'event AND clk='1' then    
            p_a <= A;
            p_b <= B;
            p_c <= C;
            p_d <= D;
            p_e <= E;
        end if;
        end process;

keypad(4) <= '1' when a /= p_a and a = '1' else '0';        
keypad(3) <= (B XOR p_b) AND B;
END architecture;

I appreciate any suggestion.

Best Answer

You'll find this a lot when using the graphical netlist viewers. The compiler does clever things you may not expect, and which aren't always immediately obvious.

The reason is because the combinational logic cell has inverting inputs in your example. You need to check both the contents (F) and the comb cell itself in the properties view:

Then the contents:

Contents of Cell

The comb cell:

Inverted Inputs

There are your missing inverters. The combinational cell as "Active Low" inputs, so the internal logic has to invert them.

You can look at the equation view to confirm:

Equation View

Here we see the equation becomes:

$$\overline{p\_a} \cdot a$$

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