Electronic – SystemVerilog: Sensitivity list of always_comb


It seems to me that always_comb is not sensitive to variables assigned in the block itself. For example, the following block:

always_comb begin
    a = b;
    b = c;

seems to be only sensitive to c (so whenever c changes, b gets the value of c, and a gets the previous value of b) in simulation. If I synthesize this, it works as expected (a, b and c always have the same value).

Is there any reason always_comb, which is supposed to simulate combinational logic, behaves "incorrectly" in simulation?

Best Answer

Because simulation does not do the same kind of data flow analysis that a synthesis tool does to know that b is just a temporary variable. The LRM was written thinking that you always write to variables before reading the same variable in the same block. An always_comb block should be written as if it were a function called whenever an input to the block changes. To have the block re-trigger can be very bad for performance.

The same style is used for a sequential always_ff block: a read before write within the same block is a flop, a write before read is a temporary variable.