Electronic – the datasheet of this component in the photo, with markings 74YH S21B


I need the datasheet of an SMD component, on which I can read


The chip is about 3mm x 3mm and, given its position on the board, has likely something to do with voltage regulation (but I can't be 100% sure).
It has 8 leads.
Please see the attached picture if that helps.

the component to identify is marked 74YH S21B

I have already explored the component-identification procedures proposed in the following post:
How do I identify SMD components? (or how do I identify any component)
but nothing clear came out (at best, hundreds of potential results…).

Best Answer

Probably an LM3488, a DC/DC converter controller IC; those are marked S21B. The top line of the markings varies.

Not entirely sure, though.