Electronic – the meaning of Vtt


I was looking at the data sheet of a counter IC and the connection circuit diagram showed two connections: Vbb and Vtt

What do these mean? Is it related to the differential inputs the if supports?

Best Answer

Vbb - reference voltage for ECL used in single-ended input mode or for some types of termination. Usually you bypass to Vcc and tie the differential input that's not being used to Vbb, or tie inputs through back-to-back Schottky diodes to Vbb. Some devices have a Vbb output or it can be generated with an ECL gate.

Vtt - termination voltage- usually a separate supply at Vcc - 2.0V that allows termination with a single resistor rather than a divider.

Much more on ECL termination here:

Edit: From your information regarding the counter part number and related datasheet:

enter image description here

Vtt should be Vcc - 2.0V.

It might be easier to terminate with a Thevenin-equivalent resistor pair.

R1 || R2 = 50\$\Omega\$

\$\frac { R1}{(R1 + R2)} = \frac {V_{CC}-2}{V_{CC}}\$

(you can do the sums depending on your choice of Vcc)