Electronic – Thermal pad in LED design


I am using Olson square 1 W LEDs, and I am wondering do I need to dissipate heat through thermal pads and how should I connect the thermal pads(their size and are they connected to ground?)

Here is the datasheet recommended footprint:
enter image description here.

Best Answer

You have essentially 3 pads in the suggested footprint which are soldered to the LED: an upper, a lower, and an H-shaped middle. The upper and lower are actually the electrical connection points to the LED, and MUST be connected to the power supply. They also conduct heat away from the LED. The middle pad is thermal only, and can be left floating.

As for whether or not you NEED to use thermal pads, that depends on the amount of power you're dissipating. If you want to push 100 mW through the LED you can probably do without thermal pads. Of course, if you do that you can just go with a smaller LED. If you want to dissipate 1 watt, you don't necessarily need thermal pads - for instance, if you're blinking for 0.1 seconds every second. Or if you don't care how long the LED lasts before it dies.

Look - if the manufacturer suggests thermal pads, for Heaven's sake use them.