Electronic – Timing constraints for DDR output multiplexer


Consider the following circuit, which multiplexes the d0 and d1 inputs to the y output in one clock cycle (i.e., double data rate, DDR).


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Which may be the result of synthesizing the following Verilog code:

module ddr_mux (
    input wire clk,
    input wire d0, d1,
    output wire y

reg q0, q1;

always @(posedge clk) q0 <= d0;
always @(negedge clk) q1 <= d1;

assign y = clk ? q1 : q0;


I have the following timing requirements:

  • q0 must not change while the MUX select input is at 0
  • q1 must not change while the MUX select input is at 1

In other words,

  • y must have at most two transitions per clock period.

If the synthesis and timing analysis tools do not know these requirements on the y output, they have the freedom to implement the circuit with an arbitrary timing relationship between q0, q1, and sel. Here is an example of how this could go wrong:

DDR Mux counterexample

And here is the desired behaviour:

DDR Mux desired behaviour

How do I correctly express this in the form of SDC constraints to be read by Cadence synthesis and timing analysis tools?

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