Electronic – Understanding this simple circuit


I am basically having trouble understanding this circuit from a question asked on here.

enter image description here

Would be nice if someone could confirm that my understanding of it is right.

Here is what I have understood:

So without the cap, the voltage at the voltage divider output is 1 V .
With the cap , On switching on the power supply, I would expect 0 V at Vout, as the cap is initially discharged , and slowly as it charges, The voltage would keep increasing based on the R1C time constant. After it has charged, I would see a stable 1V at Vout .

And finally the graph will be like this :

enter image description here

is it the correct understanding for the circuit ?


Best Answer

The final voltage will be 1 V, yes, but you've got the time constant wrong. The time constant is Rp \$\cdot\$ C, where Rp = R1 and R2 in parallel. I know this is counterintuitive, but it's all Thévenin's fault. Look up "Thévenin equivalent".

One way to get some understanding why R2 also plays a role: suppose R2 is 1 ohm. Would the capacitor be charged more quickly? (The answer is yes!)