Electronic – USB 2.0 droop testing


In the checklist for USB 2.0 compliance there is a requirement for maximum droop at a load inrush current of 7.5 A. What I don't understand is how to test this. I might be blind, but the standard only seems to mention a capacitive load with lower currents (100 mA / 500 mA). Is there a load waveform which shows how the load should actually behave?


Here is what the test procedure says about it:

USB test procedure

Best Answer

I would like to jump in on the question.

For droop testing a specific a specific test fixture is used to simulate the Droop.

You need to load the port under test with the droop portion of the fixture, the droop will vary for USB2.0 and USB3.1 - 100mA/10uF for 2.0 and 150mA/10uF for 3.1

The limits for the Droop test are as follow:

USB 2.0 Bus-Powered hub 100 4.4

USB 2.0 Self-Powered hub 500 4.75

USB 3.0 Self-Powered hub 900 4.45

PC USB 2.0 Host system 500 4.75

PC USB 3.0 Host system 900 4.45

The load waveform will look something like this (Channel 1 is the Droop trigger, Channel 2 is the actual droop which is ~300mv in this picture) : enter image description here