Electronic – VHDL debouncer circuit


I'm working in a digital engineering lab and I'm trying to figure out how this debouncing circuit works. It's provided as-is by Xilinx but I'm not quite sure why it does what it does. Any pointers, perhaps? Following is the VHDL code:

library IEEE; 

entity Debouncer is 
    Port ( CLK : in  STD_LOGIC; 

           Sig : in  STD_LOGIC; 
           Deb_Sig : out  STD_LOGIC); 
end Debouncer; 
architecture Behavioral of Debouncer is 
 signal Q0, Q1, Q2 : STD_LOGIC := '0'; 

process (CLK) is 
 if (CLK'event and CLK = '1') then  
  Q0 <= Sig; 

  Q1 <= Q0; 

  Q2 <= Q1; 

 end if; 

end process; 

Deb_Sig <= Q0 and Q1 and (not Q2);

end Behavioral; 

Best Answer

I'm not familiar with VHDL, but it seems to be doing this: output Deb_Sig is 1 only when input Sig has been 0->1->1 (time grows to the right), sampled at the rising edges of CLK. Otherwise, Deb_Sig is 0. So, the module detects rising edges at the input, and only those ones that are followed by a high level that, after sampling, turns into at least two logic 1 samples. That way, it will ignore pulses that are high during only one sampling instant, which will be considered noise.

I would say that your code synthesizes something equivalent to this:


Curiously enough, it may ignore high pulses that last 2T-epsilon (where T is the sampling period), and detect high pulses that last T+epsilon (which is shorter than 2T-epsilon), if the sampling is such that it sees only one logic 1 in the former pulse, but two logic 1s in the latter one.

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