Electronic – Weird reset problem in FPGA Design


I'm facing a weird problem.
I have written an UART and a FSM. This design just print some text on the screen automatically, just after loading the bitstream.
The problem is: when I load the bitstream, the text is printed withour error, but when I press the reset button to get that text printed again, what I see (in most of the cases) are strange and illegible characters.

Do you know what could be the problem?

enter image description here

Link to my current design: https://github.com/salcanmor/SRAM-tester-for-Cmod-A7-35T

Best Answer

Your circut appears out of sync after reset. You must review synchronization techniques you use, and protocol you use (start/stop and other control bits).

If you carefully look at the correct and incorrect output, you will see that in correct output you have 50 - characters, in incorrect you have about 50 j characters

- code is 2d = 0010 1101

j code is 6a = 0110 1010

You can see that bitstream is the same, just shifted 3 bits left.