Electronic – What are AC and DC transients, rather do we even classify transients that way

circuit analysiscircuit-designpassive-networks

We are provided a syllabus in our university stating "Unit III – Transient responses of RL,RC,RLC circuits, DC and AC sinusoidal input".

As far as I can see, "transients" are the response a circuit gives when you switch it on abruptly.

I really can't understand transients, I just follow the procedure, form a differential equation, take the Laplace transform find I(s), take inverse Laplace. What does this effectively do. In-class the professor taught us about step and impulse input, and their responses and we got a bunch of waveform corresponding to different cases,

  1. What does the Impulse and step input have to do with transients?
  2. What are AC and DC transients?
  3. How is transient analysis different from AC and DC analysis?
  4. Suppose I'm given a RLC. Assuming zero initial conditions, I switch it on with a DC input, I formulate a differential equation. Take Laplace transform, find I(s) and then take inverse Laplace, to find i(t), what is this i(t), is this the transient response ?

Best Answer

You're correct in noting that "transient DC" is a contradiction.

I think this is just a somewhat ambiguously-worded syllabus title. They probably mean "responses of {RL, RC, and RLC} circuits to {DC, sinusoidal AC, and transient} inputs".