Electronic – What are some of the basic FPGA synthesis algorithms mapping to LUT


I am trying to look up easy to understand papers that help explain how logic functions are mapped onto LUT. For e.g. if I have c = (a+b)*c -d how is this mapped on to LUT or if a counter is designed how is the same mapped etc.

Best Answer

A LUT is a memory (Look. Up. Table). It implements logic truth tables by using the memory address as the input bits, and the memory data output as the output bits.

By way of example, for a 4-bit up counter: at address 4'b0000 is stored 4'b0001; at address 4'b0001 is stored 4'b0010; ... ; at address 4'b1011 is stored 4'b1100; and so forth. The outputs are registered and fed back to the inputs, so on every clock the cycle repeats and the counter output increments.