Electronic – What does the circuit look like to switch two lights using two switches into four different states


At my workplace there's a room with two entrances, each featuring a push button light switch, A and B. There are two ceiling mounted lights, 1 and 2.

Switch A switches both lights on/off. Funny enough, if both lights are on, switch B switches off a single light (2). Now in this state, switch A "flips" the state of the two lights (2 goes on, 1 goes off).

| SW-A | SW-B || LAMP1 | LAMP2 |
| on   | on   || on    | on    |
| off  | on   || off   | off   |
| on   | off  || on    | off   |
| off  | off  || off   | on    |

I don't know if these are 3-way or 4-way switches.

Just out of academic curiosity: how exactly is this – obviously flawed – circuit possibly implemented?

(Disclaimer: I'm a physician, not any kind of engineer)

Best Answer

Rewriting your truth table a little more succinctly:

| SW-A | SW-B || LAMP1 | LAMP2 |
| on   | on   || on    | on    |
| off  | on   || off   | off   |
| on   | off  || on    | off   |
| off  | off  || off   | on    |


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Mis-wired two-way switching circuit.

Does this fit?

In Europe this is referred to as a two-way switching circuit. In the US the switches are referred to as 3-way as they have three wires.

It looks like LAMP1 is wired to the wrong terminal on the switch.