Electronic – what is the use of a resistor in the PNP transistor


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The R3 is connected to the output of the PIC, I could understand the NPN transistor but PNP was a bit confusing. When the transistor starts to conduct, some current will flow towards the base. My question:

  1. What is the use of R3 in PNP transistor?
  2. There is current coming from the PIC as well as base, now the two currents will be in opposite direction. So what happens?

Best Answer

1) R3 limits the current flowing through the base of the transistor and helps protect the microcontroller pin. You can find more information on base resistors here:


2) When the PIC is sourcing current, the PNP transistor will be switched off, and no current (in theory) will be flowing through it (or through the base). This is based on the PNP theory of operation. The PNP will be switched off when the PIC pulls its base HIGH, and switched on when the PIC sinks the current from the base.