Transformer Identification – What Kind of Transformer is This?


What kind of transformer is this and how is it used?

I'm also confused about why there are only 3 wires. I don't see any other pins on it. Although on the opposite side, you use the number 4 on one side and RT on the other.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

That's an auto-transformer. It is used to step down from 120 V to 45.5 V but without isolation between the inputs and outputs.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. A poor drawing of an auto-transformer. In practice there is one coil with a tap-off point on it.

On a large auto-transformer the lower winding might be thicker than the upper as it will be carrying more current. For one this size the saving in copper cost might not be worth the trouble.

The transformer turns ratio applies to this type of transformer also so the number of turns on the lower half will be 45.5/120 times the total number of turns.