Identifying Parts in an IR Receiver – Comprehensive Guide


I bought an IR repeater with the simple schematic:

Enter image description here

What is this receiver component? It looks almost like TSOP4838, has the same pinout, but it outputs an encoded signal and I cannot find what is it.

TSOP4838 (right) and this one (left)

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Back side:

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Short update: any part that does the same will be OK for my needs. Is there any?

Best Answer

You will want to investigate the following web page at Vishay.

At that page there is a section that links you to IR Receivers that are designed for use in repeaters or IR learning applications.

enter image description here

The parts offered on the repeater page are specifically designed to operate at a 38kHz carrier frequency. The part number TSMP4138 looks to be closest to the package type that you are looking for.

enter image description here

From the part data sheet the internal block diagram looks like this:

enter image description here

From the same data sheet the recommended application circuit for a repeater is shown as:

enter image description here