Electronic – What type of eye protection should you use with a battery tab welder


There are a ton of youtube videos and websites about how to make a DIY battery tab welder – however none of them seem to have any information on what type of eye protection to use.

I know that some people making small tac welds with regular welders will line things up and then just look away or close their eyes while pulling the trigger – is that what's supposed to be done here as well?

I know that the big welding helmets have auto darkening adjustments but it takes a small period of time for the adjustment to happen – perhaps the battery weld would be so quick that it would not be worth using a helmet for this?

Below is an excerpt from Jim's Blog showing one of the upgrades he made to his version of the welder. It also shows him using the welder but he does not appear to be using any helmet or goggles.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Normally capacitance discharge resistance welders do not create a visible arc- the heating not from an arc and it is confined to a small region where the parts are in contact.

It is possible to have a small amount of material (i.e. molten metal) ejected from the weld area, particularly if the power level is too high. For this reason, it's recommended to wear safety glasses (an industrial safety procedure would require it).

His home-brew setup has the potential to create a visible spark, but it should be brief and not very intense. The poor control over pressure means that the risk of ejecting material is greater.

If it was me, I'd wear ordinary safety goggles.