Electronic – What’s an industry standard in electrical engineering


Context: One of my colleague is arguing I can't use one of my baseline equipment for a long lifetime (15years) product because it is not an "industry standard" and might become obsolete and unsupported during that timescale.

So when should we consider a particular equipment or device is an industry standard? Is there a database? How are industry standards defined?

This is not intended to be an open-ended question: "industry standard" appears to be a well-defined definition and I'm looking for that definition (I've looked at several sources including wikipedia and it doesn't help), guidelines on how to identify them, and explanations of how they are defined

Best Answer

"Industry Standard" varies wildly from industry to industry. It very much depends on what you're buying and for what. In some industries, it means the device has passed testing (IE, automotive components passing AEC-Q# testing), while in others it means that it has a certain set of safety features (such as SEMI F47).

Very often, what it really means is "commonly used", not actually defined by a standard. Perhaps if you share what industry you're in or what type of device you're looking at, someone could give you a better answer.