Electronic – What’s so special in “near field” and is it used in Near Field Communication


There's this commercial technology called Near Field Communication. Turns out there're also so-called near and far field. Near field (in near and far field) is special in that electrical and magnetic fields are in some complex relation while in near field region unlike in all outer space.

What I miss are two things.

Is the "near field" phrasing in NFC abbreviation really that "near field" with special relation between fields? What's so special in "near field" that makes it especially usable for communication – I mean why not just use a weak radio transmitter to limit distance?

Best Answer

The "near field" in NFC simply refers to the close proximity of the communicating devices. It's just a commercial name.

When talking about transmission systems there's the "near field" opposite the "far field". The near field extends to about 1 wavelength away from the antenna, the far field starts from about 2 wavelengths away. The difference is that in the near field the transmitter can sense when radiated energy is being absorbed, while in the far field this isn't possible. This near field effect is used in RFID, where the tag "sends" a code to the reader by pulse-wise loading the carrier. In the far field this won't work.

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