Amplifier – What’s the Point of a Preamp?


I'm talking in the context of guitar amps, but I assume that this question is relevant for any type of audio amplifier.

Very often in amplifier schematics I see two stages of amplification — first, the signal is amplified a smaller amount by a preamp circuit and then amplified again by a power amp circuit.

This seems redundant to me. What's the point in amplifying a signal in two small steps rather than just one greater-gain amplification?

My first thought was: does this multi-stage amplification help to reduce unwanted noise from the signal? But the more I think about that, the less it makes sense, since surely the second stage would be amplifying any noise as well.

Best Answer

In audio gear, it is useful to do most of the signal manipulation at a standard level, known as "line level". This includes mixing, equalization, compression, etc.

Some signal sources (microphones, guitar pickups, etc.) do not inherently produce line level outputs, so a preamplifier is used to boost the signal to that level. Some signal sources (record players) require not only a boost, but also a special equalization to flatten the frequency response.

Then, after all of the signal processing is done, a second, "power" amplifier is used to drive the speaker(s).

This kind of modularity allows signal sources, processing stages, and different kinds of speakers to be mixed and matched freely.