Electronic – Where is the cold junction on the commercial thermocouples


According to all textbooks and articles, a thermocouple must have a cold junction somewhere on the middle of it.

enter image description here

But none of the commercial products have a middle point or a marked spot for indicating the position of the cold junction. They are simply nothing but a long wire.

enter image description here enter image description here

I want to place another temperature sensor near the cold junction and subtract its temperature from the measured hot junction temperature for more precise measurement. So, I need to know the location of the cold junction. How do I find it?

Best Answer

Your cold junctions (at least two!) are where you connect the two (different!) thermocouple metals to your circuit. Note that this can be in multiple steps, like: thermocoupe - connector - wires - PCB. These are all cold junctions. Keep them all at the same temperature and measure that temperature. If no heating or chilling effects occur that is simply the ambient temperature, and you can use a temperature sensor anywhere on your PCB, but it won't hurt to place it near the thermocouple connector and put heat-producing components as far away as possible.