Electronic – Why doesn’t this transistor circuit work as expected


This is a circuit I have designed to work as an oscillator. But it doesn't work.

enter image description here

The way I supposed this works:

When power is ON, the capacitor(C1) starts charging through 1Kohm resistor. Once it reaches 0.7 volt, it trigger the Q1 which will almost short the point A with ground. This makes the C1 discharged which will switch Off Q1. The operation repeats. But This doesn't work and I am always getting the base voltage as 0.7v.

What is the mistake I am making?

Note: I have not connected any LED or speaker to this circuit. I just used a DMM to check the base voltage to see whether it is fluctuating.

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

By shorting out the collector-base junction you have converted the transistor into a diode. Diodes can't amplify current. The circuit will not oscillate.