Electronic – Why some MAX 10 chips don’t support ADC while the datasheet says they do


I'm using an Altera MAX 10 chip 10M50SCE144C8G. I want to use its ADC. In datasheet, it says that this chip has a "Single ADC that supports 1 dedicated analog input pin and 8 dual-function pins". However, when I want to use it in Quartus, in the IP parameter Editor, I got an error msg saying that:

Error: unnamed.modular_adc_0: The selected device part number 10M50SCE144C8G does not support ADC.

I tried different versions of Quartus: 15.1 and 16.0, got the same error.

How do I fix this error?

Best Answer

That part does not support ADC functionally. Page 4 of the device overview specifically states that SC parts are the compact functionality cores which do not feature ADCs. Only the SA and DA parts have analogue features.