Fixed voltage regulator for simple circuit


I want to use TPS799 for an LED driver circuit.
Here is the datasheet:

I am assuming that input will be 5V through power jack on the board, and I will be driving an LED , after regulating the voltage to 3 V.

By what I understand, I don't need a capacitor at either, EN or NR terminals.

I am I understanding its usage correctly? And I am not sure how to have the output to 3 V. I am very new to idea of using a regulator so any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Are you just driving an LED? If so you don't need a regulator. Also you shouldn't be driving an LED with a constant voltage, you need to drive it with a reasonably well defined current. You can do that with just a resistor.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab


If the input voltage only changes over a moderate range (2:1) then you don't need a regulator. Just choose an appropriate resistor value to give the LED current you need.

If for example if you have a 5V supply and you want 20mA through the LED which has a 3V drop (common for a white LED). Then the resistor you will need is:

R = (Vinput - Vled) * 1000/LED_Current.

For the example values this gives (5 - 3) * 1000/20 = 100 Ohm.

The LED voltage will vary with the color. A Green LED is probably about 2.1V and a Red LED about 1.7V, Infra red ~1.2V.

If the input voltage varies the current will as well but you probably won't even be able to see a 30% change in brightness. This would occur if the voltage changes between 4.4V and 5.6V.