Four Half Bridge Load Sensors outputs highly fluctuating values

adcload cellwheatstone-bridge

I have four half bridge strain gauge load sensors connected in a wheat-stone bridge configuration. I have fed the output of the sensors to the ADC (ADS1230) which is a 20 bit analog to digital converter.I have used ATMEGA16 microcontroller that takes the input from the ADC and displays to the LCD. But I am not getting constant reading .i.e ADC value is highly fluctuating and there is no way i can measure the weight accurately. I had also twisted the wires coming out from the loadcell. Here is the link to the load cells that I have used.

And the schematics as follows:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

+/-200 counts means you have < 8-bit noise.

You say your ADC has 20-bit resolution so if you are using the full range of the input then the most significant 12 bits will be stable and your noise level is less than 1 / 2¹² = 1/4096 = 0.025% (if my calculations are correct).

I have no idea how to make a circuit or amplifier quiet enough to prevent noise on the least significant eight bits of a 20-bit ADC!