Generic Active Probes

oscilloscopespectrum analyzertest

I need an active probe for use with a spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope. My scope has contacts around the BNC connector for powering a compatible probe. The spectrum analyzer is a different story. There is no port for powering a probe.

Looking around I see that the Tek 6201 seems fairly generic with a lead to be attached to power. Something generic is preferable as I want to use this with both of my instruments. Would this suffice? If so, how do I power it? Specifically, what voltage/current requirements and interface?

My scope is a Tek MSO2024 and my spectrum analyzer is a Rigol DSA815.

Best Answer

While not useful for all situations, I tend not to use active probes any more and instead use a resitive probe, which I learned about from Howard Johnston. For all but very low level signals it works very well.

This will partially solve your issue.