eMMC Trace Impedance – Achieving 50 Ohm Trace Impedance for eMMC with 3mils Width and Spacing


I'm struggling with a 4 layer PCB (1 signal, 2 GND plane, 3 PWR plane, 4 signal. All Dk=4.3). My boards are usually 2 layers and no impedance control so this is all new stuff for me. I managed so far (using Altium) to setup profiles for a 50 Ω (GPS Antenna) and 90 Ω (USB 2.0 Differential) impedance. While trying to route a eMMC (for data, clk, etc.) I found AN10778, Sect. 4.3. It says that I need 3mils traces and spacing to route the eMMC. I tried to setup another 50 Ω impedance profile but the Altium calculator (picture below) tells me I'm doing something wrong. I tried changing values and Type in the calculator but no luck. What do I need to be able to setup a 50 Ω trace impedance with 3mils width and spacing? Thanks.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I've been told to post my comment as an answer, so here goes.

While eMMC does have a lot of balls, most of them are NC, and usually are safe for routing signals through the pads.

So, if you can route signals through the NC pads, you don't really need fancy vias or thin traces you'd normally need with 0.5mm BGA. You just get the traces going through the pads. The standard pin set up allows you to route the whole thing on a single layer then.