How to determine dielectric constant and loss tanget of a PCB board at a specific frequency


I need to know dielectric constant (relative permittivity) and Tan loss of a FR4 board at 2.45 GHz.

The specification of the manufacturer is as it is below:

Dielectric Constant:

  • Test method (IPC-TM-650):
  • Test condition: Etched/@1 MHz
  • Specification(IPC-4101C) <5.4
  • Typical value: 4.58

Loss Tanget:
– Test method (IPC-TM-650):
– Test condition: Etched/@1 MHz
– Specification(IPC-4101C) < 0.035
– Typical value: 0.022

I read on the Net that those values should be lower at higher frequencies. Is it possible to calculate/determine/predict those two values for 2.45 GHz?

Best Answer

There are equations to calculate them. Look here: