How to find the equivalent resistance for YY parallel connection


I am trying to find how to break apart a Y-Y connection to find the equivalent resistance. I understand how to find the equivalent resistance for 2 Y circuits in series, but not parallel. I understand how to transform from delta to Y and back, but am unable to find a simplified circuit for this design:

|         \        o        /
|          \      /\       /
|           R1   /  \     R6
|            \  R3   R4  /
|             \ /     \ /
|              o       o
PS             |       |
|              R2      R5
|              |       |

Where "PS" is the power source and "o" is the nodes and "Rx" is the different resistors.
Please Help.

Best Answer

Thanks to Pete Becker and Josh Jobin, the answer did appear. The H topology is a rewrite of the unbalanced wheatstone bridge, which can be rewritten as 2 wye's in series or:

|            / \
|          R1    R6
|          /      \
|         o        o
|          \      /
|           R8  R9
|            \  /
PS            \/
|             o
|             |
|            R10
|             |

Which is easily solvable. Thank you for your help.