How to hook up a transformer to 120V AC


I'm building a DC power supply and am stepping down my voltage from 120V (from the outlet) to 24V through a transformer. I will be soldering the 3 wires that plug into a North American electrical outlet to the corresponding wires of the transformer, which are as shown:

(Ordered from Amazon. Link:

However, I'm not sure which wires from the cable that plugs into the outlet should be soldered to which wires on the transformer. The datasheet only specifies this:

This doesn't tell me whether the black/green wires should be soldered to hot/neutral/ground. How might I go about figuring this out without killing myself or frying my transformer?

Best Answer

Connect hot (usually black) of your cable to one primary (black) lead of the transformer. Connect neutral (usually white) of your cable to the other primary (black) lead of the transformer. Connect ground (usually green) of your cable to the green lead of the transformer.

The transformer already has a fuse/thermal protection so you don't have to add another fuse. But make sure the connections are secure and fully insulated. All the connections should be in an enclosure; if it's a metal enclosure, you should also bond the green connection to the enclosure with a screw and lug.