How to know whether a circuit (originally for 5 wire) will work for four wire stepper motor

motorpcbstepper motor

There is a very old and popular instructable 3 axis stepper motor driver,

enter image description here

As clear from the image , it's a six wire motor connected to the circuit. According to me the same circuit should also work for the four wire Bipolar stepper , as I can see that the center-taped-wires are directly connected to the bulb ( bulb is there in circuit only for testing purposes ).

So how do I actually determine whether or not this circuit work .
What could be some modifications I can do with this circuit to make it run with my four wire steppers ?

My steppper motor mode no. is :
(sorry I failed to get an image of my motor)

Best Answer

Your circuit is for a standard four-coil (five or six wires) unipolar stepper motor. Such a circuit can cause current in one direction through four coils, thus making the four steps. Such a circuit has four open-collector/open-drain outputs.

A standard two-coil (four wires) stepper requires a driver circuit that can cause current through the two coils in two dircetions, thus again making four steps. Your circuit can't do that, you need a circuit with two full H-bridges (four push-pull output stages).