How to module TB trap $fatal from module A


I have an RTL simulation where module TB is the testbench for module A.

Module A generates $fatal when it meets some condition it doesnt like.
Module TB generates/collects transactions to/from A. Is there a way I can trap $fatal or $error statements in module TB ?

I am looking to add a few lines in TB like

always @*
     log("there was a problem");

Ideas ?

Best Answer

SystemVerilog has a final block that is triggered by the end of simulation

final begin
       log("there was a problem");

You can have as many final blocks as you want, but like initial blocks, there is no guaranteed order among them. There are restrictions about what you can put in a final block, like no time consuming statements. See the 1800-2012 LRM section 9.2.3 Final procedures