How to you delay your fsm to stay in one of the state for about lets say 5 clock cycle


If I want to delay my FSM to stay in a state for 5 cycle how could I do that?
I suppose I should use a counter but what is the VHDL code how could I use a counter inside the process statement.

Sorry if the question is simple I am learning VHDL coding.

I am using this coding, but it is not compiling :

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity state3_fsm is
  port (
    clk_H  : in std_logic;
    res_H  : in std_logic;
    start  : in std_logic;
    done_H : in std_logic);

end entity state3_fsm;

architecture arc of state3_fsm is

  type statetype is (s0, s1, s2);
  signal pr_state, nx_state : statetype;
  signal count              : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

  ff_pro : process (clk_H, res_H)

    if (res_H = '1') then
      pr_state <= s0;
    elsif (clk_H'event and clk_H = '1') then
      pr_state <= nx_state;
    end if;
  end process ff_pro;

  com_pro : process (start, count, pr_state, done_H)
    case pr_state is

      when s0 =>
        if (start = '1') then
          nx_state <= s1;
        else nx_state <= s0;
        end if;

      when s1 =>
        count <= count + 1;
        if (count = 5) then
          nx_state <= s2;
          count    <= "000";
          nx_state <= s2;

        end if;

      when s2 =>
        if done_H = '1' then
          nx_state <= s0;
        else nx_state <= s2;
        end if;

      when others =>
        nx_state <= s0;

    end case;
  end process com_pro;

end architecture arc;

Best Answer

What you have is on the left, and what you want is on the right assuming you want a delay between State 2 and State 3. You simply can add a new state that handles the delay. enter image description here

Some pseudo code for the delay state would be implemented like the following:

delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1'b1;
if(delay_counter ==5)
mode <= state3
delay_counter <= 0;

If clk happens every 50ns, you just created a 250ns delay. You're trapped in this state until you've met the delay, then you hop into the next state you want.

EDIT: Just reread your question and maybe I misunderstood but the concept is the same anyways. If you want State 3 to happen 5 times you would put a block in State 3 that points to State 4 based on a variable counting up to 5, and State 4 just sends you back to State 3 or State X based on that variable.

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